Maha Periava
on Vada Mala and
Jelebe Mala to Lord Hanuman
-A good friend of mine, Mrs Sumathi from Tamilnadu, a soul in search of liberation and an ardent devotee of Maha Periava pens lots of interesting articles on this greatest saint. Her views and news on spiritual matters flows like river Ganges as she speaks. Recently she published the following interesting story in Facebook on the eve of Hanuman Jayanthi. Since it was interesting subject matter, which many may not know, I took liberty to translate it into English and to publish it in Tamil as well as in English in my website for the benefit of readers and devotees of Maha Periyava. Thanks Mrs Sumathi for timely publication of this interesting article on the eve of Hanuman Jayanthi. This article is thought provoking and interesting, not heard before- Santhipriya
Once a devotee from North India paid respectful visit to Kanchi Maha Periyava. After bowing before him in reverence, the devotee stood uncomfortably for some time as if he was expecting something from the greatest saint on land. Kanchi Maha Periyava immediately observed his dilemma and casually asked him ‘ do you have anything to ask ?’
The devotee indeed came carrying long standing doubt in his mind on Lord Hanuman. Even after discussing the issue with several learned pundits he was not convinced with their replies. As he was debating within himself whether Maha Periyava would be able to clear his doubt, he was elated that the greatest Saint himself volunteered to clear his doubt.
Hesitant devotee asked ‘Maha Periyava, I have certain doubt on the offerings made to Lord Anjaneya……………..’. As he hesitated to continue, Maha Periyava prompted him ‘Oh, you have some doubt on Vayu Puthra (Son of Lord Vayu)… tell me what your doubt is.’
‘Swami….Ajnaneya remains the adapted deity (Ishta Deity)in many families…my doubt is on the offering made to him’. As Maha Periyava remained silent, the devotee continued ‘ In South India, people garland him with Vada, an item of savory prepared with Urud Dal and Pepper, while in North India, the devotees offer him Jelebe, the sweet dish. Why this variance?’
Not only the devotee who raised this question stood anxious for an answer, other devotees assembled there too were anxious to hear Maha Periyava’s clarification.
Maha Periyava explained thus ‘ All of us are aware when new born at home in their babyhood sometimes show obstinacy and refuse to eat, their parents carry them outside calling moon and stars to come down in an attempt to feed the baby. As the baby look at the beautiful moving moon, they get excited and attempt to catch it when their mother feed the child and the child too take the food without offering resistance. This is how a stubborn Baby is mollified and fed at home.
When the moon can be a play ball to a child in their babyhood on earth, how can Lord Hanuman too be different in his childhood? Once Hanuman in his babyhood attempted to catch the glowing reddish sun with his hand to eat it thinking it to be a fruit. In an attempt to catch it he flew in air to reach Sun God. Noticing it, the celestial were too shocked but could not stop his run towards the Sun.
At the same time, to enact eclipse, Lord Raghu too was moving fast to catch Sun God, but he could not match the speed of Hanuman and lost in the race. Therefore pleased with Hanuman, Lord Raghu declared that thenceforth whoever offered food made of Urud Dal and offered prayers to Lord Hanuman, then the sins accrued out of his curse (influence) would not harm them, and thus those afflicted with Raghu Dosha would get relieved of it by offering prayers to Lord Hanuman. However one condition put forth by Lord Raghu was that the offered food should match the shape of his body i.e flexible. Perhaps this is why those who offer prayers to Lord Hanuman put flexible garland made out of Urud Dal’ said Maha Periava and paused for a while and continued further.
‘ whether Jelebe or Vada, both are prepared with Urud Dal only. Since South India has plenty of Salt Pans in her region producing Salt which is also exported, those in South prefer to make Vada made of Urud Dal mixed with Pepper, a savory item and garland Lord Hanuman in the shape of flexible ring.
Similarly in Northern India, Sugar cane is cultivated in large parts and the Sugar produced is also exported in plenty. The North Indians basically eat more sweet items beginning even from their breakfast. Therefore they offer Jelebe, sweet item, again made out of Urud Dal to garland Lord Hanuman.
As long as the ill effects of Raghu Dosha (sins) gets removed by offering garland made out of Urud Dal as suggested by Lord Raghu – let it be Vada or Jelebe – what item is offered should not matter’. Periava concluded loudly laughing.
Quickly not only the North Indian devotee who raised this question fell flat in the feet of Maha Peria fully satisfied in getting his long standing doubt cleared, but also those of others who were present there too fell at the feet of Maha Periava.
………………Courtesy: A. Sumathi
I thank God for the guidance to know and read, understand to the extent as perceived my intellect from this blog.