Worship of Panchamuga Hanuman
at home by applying Sandal paste and Cinnabar
-Is it correct?-

Universally Hanuman is worshiped in temples and in Prayer halls in private houses. The most common form of worship is that the tail of Hanuman, either in sitting or standing posture but with folded hands, is applied with a small dot of sandal paste and Red cinnabar called Kungumam seeking grace for fulfillment of their desires. Putting dot commences from the tail attached with body till the end of the flying tail. Once the process of applying last dot on uppermost end of the tail is completed, some Prasad is offered to him to complete the prayer. The offer can be even a glass of simple milk added with sugar.
However some ladies practice it on even Panchamuga Hanuman with five faces and who is carrying weapons in his arms. Is it a correct practice ? Read the following carefully.
Our Sasthra recommends keeping only calm and cool deities mainly those with spouses like Lord Rama and Sita, Lord Siva and Parvathi, Lord Muruga with Valli and Theivanai, Lord Vishnu with Lakshmi, Lord Narasimma with Lakshmi, Lord Ganesha, Goddess Saraswathi, Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Krishna with holy cow, Lord Datthathreya with his cow and accompanying animals, Venkatachalapathi, Humble Hanuman kneeled before Lord Ram or Siva or even standing alone with words Rama inscribed all over, Hanuman carrying sanjeevini mountain, or group of deities in Pattabishegam (coronation) etc be kept in their prayer halls and worshiped.
Generally the Deities in the form of anger or ugraha need to be avoided unless you are a Satvik or person desire to offer Prayer in strict discipline and norms as prescribed, lest they cause negative effects. Such deities include Ugraha Narasimmamurthi, ugraha Kali devi, Prathyanga devi, Lord Siva in yogic posture, Panchamuga Hanuman, Mahishasura martini or for that matter deities with fierce weapons in hand etc as they are the most important upasana deities of our Guru Parampara and need to be worshiped with stricter norms to get the desires fulfilled. Inspite of so many deities at home in prayer halls, majority of people prefer to offer prayer to Lord Hanuman seeking certain favours. Why is it done?
Prayer to Lord Hanuman
At home in prayer halls, many offer prayers to Lord Hanuman seeking fulfilment of their desires by applying sandal paste and cinnabar called Kungumam on the tail of Lord Hanuman.
The purpose of the prayer is mainly:
· to remove the evil effects of Sani
· end unnecessary hurdles
· end discordant between husband and wife
· end discordant in family to give peace and happiness
· to ward off evils and black magic
· for spiritual development
· for graha shanti
· to gain courage and strength
Can one, especially ladies offer Lord Panchamuga Hanuman prayers in the same manner as is done with a single faced Lord Hanuman in cool posture?
No, though Lord Panchamuga Anjaneya promises security to all devotees and fulfill the prayers, he cannot be offered worship in the normal manner since Lord Panchamuga Anjaneya is one of the most important upasana deities of our Guru Parampara and is in ugraha form in that posture carrying arms in hands. Lord Panchamuga Anjaneya can be offered worship only in his temples as he is offered Pooja observing certain norms and rituals in strict discipline there. Why Panchamuga Hanuman is considered Ugraha deity?
Who is Panchamuga Hanuman?
Hanuman assumed Panchamuga or five-faced form to kill Ahiravana or Mayil Ravan and who is brother of Ravan who held lord Rama and Lakhman in captivity. In order to get their release from his confinement at Pathaal lok, an angry Hanuman on war with Ahiravana or Mayil Ravan took the form of Panchamuga that is five faces with himself in centre and fierce faces of Narasimma, Garuda, Varahar, and Hayagriva facing different directions. It was destined that Ahiravana could be killed only if the burning lights of five lamps burning in different directions is extinguished, all at the same instant. To accomplish this task an angry Lord Hanuman had to assume Panchamuga form, and extinguished the lamps in one go to annihilate Ahiravana or Mayil Ravana. Hanuman is seen carrying several weapons in his hands besides the forms like Narasimma, Garuda, Varahar, and Hayagriva who keep vigilance and has control over the five directions – north, south, east, west and the upward direction. The aspect of Panchamuga Hanuman is Ugraha deity, but approachable by humans in his temples with prayers which he happily grants if done with pure mind in honesty and faith.
Since Panchamuga Hanuman is one amongst Upasana deities, mostly Satvik and Tantric offer prayers to Lords of ugraha postures and house wives are advised to desist from offering prayers at home to such ugraha deities. The housewives can offer prayers to such deities in normal manner if they wish to keep their pictures in their prayer halls.
Panchamuga hanuman is mainly prayed for the following:
· To ward off evils and effects of black magic
· For attainment of spiritual development
· For gains in business deals
· To ward off graha and vastu dosha
· To derive courage and mental strength
Therefore if one desire to get peace in family, remove discordant between husband and wife leading to cordial relationship, peace of mind and happiness at home they can offer prayers to Lord Hanuman in cool and composed posture such as sitting or standing hanuman with words Ram, Ram inscribed all over. The sandal paste and cinnabar called Kungumam can be applied on his tail commencing from beginning to end of the tail without any ritual. However once the prayer process commences, it should not be discontinued like applying for one week, break it for a week and recommence from the place where it was discontinued, except for monthly periods which has been exempted from sin.
Such a practice done with Panchamuga Hanuman at home without observing proper rituals may instead of alleviating the problem aggravate the situation disturbing peace and harmony at home as seen in many houses who practice such a ritual with Panchamuga Hanuman. Therefore if someone still desired to only practice the process with Panchamuga Hanuman, better take the advice of a Guru and observe the norms strictly, lest be ready to face the ill effects on account of improper praying process.