The one you see above is called Guber Yanthra, the Yanthra that invokes the grace of God of wealth Lord Guber. This Yanthra was given to Lord Guber by Goddess Lakshmi when Lord Guber lost his wealth on account of a curse. The pundits say that if one perform Pooja to this Yanthra they will gain wealth. This Pooja need not be performed only to gain wealth temporarily to meet the crisis requirement, but if the Pooja is regularly done twice or thrice in a year, there would be no crunch of fund at home, peace will prevail, and there would be all round happiness at home so say the Pundit.
Is there simpler form of Pooja available to perform and to invoke the blessings of Lord Guber? One of the simplest forms of performing Lord Guber Pooja was narrated to me by a pundit and I take pleasure in sharing the same for the benefit of everyone. An important aspect of this Pooja is that one need not chant only Sanskrit mantras while performing the Pooja. Only dedication, sincerity and unflinching faith is suffice to perform the simplest Pooja for Lord Guber.
The main item required for performing this Pooja is Coins of same size and value. One need not bother about the minimum or maximum value of coins needed. It could be even 50 paise coins provided it is in circulation as legally issued by the state. One should not use duplicate coins i.e replica of original coins sold in the market commercially. This is most important.

The second most important aspect to be kept in mind is to decide the day from when one should commence the Pooja. It is nine days Pooja and should commence beginning from either Friday or the day of full moon. Once the day is decided then the nine days of Pooja should be performed only on those specific days in continuation for nine weeks, i.e if the Pooja had been commenced on Friday, then the Pooja shall be performed every Friday in continuation totalling to nine Fridays. Similarly if it had been started on Full moon day, then the Pooja shall be continued in the next nine Full moon days and not on any other day.
Once the day is decided, take bath in the morning and then draw floral designs (Rangoli) with rice powder in front of the deity (if separate Pooja room is available) as drawn traditionally during festive seasons and then draw the following Guber Yanthra in the place where you decide to sit and perform the Pooja.

The model Yanthra as shown above should be drawn with pure rice powder white in colour, Red Vermilion powder used by ladies to put mark in their forehead and then the yellow turmeric powder. The outer border should be drawn with Vermilion powder and the numerals with rice powder (White). The words ‘Sree’ should be with turmeric powder (Yellow).
Once someone commenced the Pooja, for some unavoidable reason, they could not continue the Pooja on some of the days due to any reason, they need not feel worried. The Pooja could be performed in continuation by someone in the same family staying in the same house, to ensure that the link of the nine days Pooja is not broken.
Be sure that if you had used a particular valued coin, for the entire period of nine days the same valued coins need to be used. For example if you had chosen to perform the Pooja with one rupee coin on the first day, then on all the nine days it should be only one rupee coin and not mixture of coins like one day one rupee coin, the other day two rupee coin and some other day eight annas coin and so on. Therefore once you have made up your mind to perform the nine day Pooja ritual, first collect 9 x 9 = 81 coins of the same type and same value for the Pooja.
As said earlier, the Pooja has to be performed for continuous nine specific days beginning from any one of the days you have commenced. For example you have commenced it on Friday, next eight Fridays the Pooja shall have to be performed. Similarly if you have commenced it on Full moon day, continue performing the nine days Pooja on every full moon day stretched to nine full moon days. While performing the Pooja keep the coins inside each of the boxes in such a manner that the letters are not erased during Pooja. See below the model illustration.

How do you perform Pooja? Very simple. After you drew the Yanthra in the manner shown, keep the coins as shown above and then light up an oil lamp in front of the Yanthra. Begin chanting one of the following prayers for which you specifically intended to perform the Pooja.
- Oh, mother Mahalakshmi, I salute thee in the form of this coin, give me enough wealth to wipe off my debts and derive mental peace and happiness. or
- Oh Mahalakshmi, I salute thee in the form of this coin, grace me to recover my losses in business or loans given and give me mental peace and happiness. or
- Oh Mahalakshmi I salute thee in the form of this coin, grace me to retain the wealth which gets drained off unnecessarily and give me mental peace and happiness. or
- Oh Mahalakshmi I salute thee in the form of this coin, grace me with enough wealth to impart education to my children and give me mental peace and happiness. or
- Oh Mahalakshmi I salute thee in the form of this coin, grace me with enough wealth to run my family and give me mental peace and happiness.
At the end of the chanting, also pray to the Goddess Mahalakshmi and Lord Guber to stay with you forever and grant prosperity.

Every time after you chant above prayer, keep a small size flower over the coin without erasing the no. The boxes are to be thus drawn in such a manner that enough space is available to keep nine flowers on the coin.. It could also be the betel of flowers without stem.

If you cannot procure flowers, then sprinkle Vermilion powder called Kunkum (used to apply on forehead by married ladies) which will be far better than flowers. See below the model illustration to understand this aspect.
Once you have completed chanting the prayer for nine times and offered flowers or sprinkled vermilion powder over the coin, light up camphor in a lamp holder and show it before the Guber Yanthra circling the Yanthra with the lighted camphor three times to ensure that the entire areas of the Yanthra are covered by the camphor lamp. This act symbolizes the act of burning the negative energies with the power of the Yanthra so that Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Guber who enters your home through the Yanthra would feel comfortable to stay there.

What we chant in this Pooja is our simple and sincere prayer from our heart without invoking them with mantra. If someone know Lakshmi slokas, they can also be recited, but not mandatory. What one need in perfect faith in this prayer and sincerity without shadowing any pinch of doubt in mind.
Once the Pooja is completed, do not rub away the Yanthra or remove the coins and flowers on them immediately the same day. It should be retained for the entire day and only in the next day the place could be cleaned.
Next day morning also after you take bath, remove the coins safely, wipe it out the coins clean and retain them separately in a box or wallet. Do not spend those coins or allow them to get mixed up with other money/coins at home. They belong to Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Guber.
The Yanthra drawn should be cleaned by wiping with a cloth and not to be wiped out with a broom. Collect the coins after performing Pooja on all the nine days and keep them together safe. However you can mix up those eighty one coins with which the Pooja was performed and keep them in a bag or wallet separately.
Every time after completing the day’s Pooja offer turmeric, betel leaves and betel nut with a fruit to nine married women (not a virgin girl). This is called offering tambula or tambulam (in Sanskrit tambula and in tamil tambulam). If you are unable to offer it to nine women by inviting them home, offer the same to any married women or virgin girls in any of the temples. There too if you are unable to find nine married women, keep them in the sanctum before the Goddess and come back. This should be done any time before the end of the day on the day the pooja was performed. The crux is that the act symbolizes the reverence shown to Goddess Mahalakshmi who reportedly appear in the form of those ladies to symbolically show out that she has accepted your prayer from each of the nine boxes you have drawn in the Yanthra.
The tenet of the Pooja for the Yanthra with nine boxes is that they represent the nine points of your home i.e. eight directions and the centre of the house which is you. Thus at the end of the nine days Pooja, pleased with your prayer both Goddess Mahalakshmi and Lord Guber enter into your home showering wealth from all directions and settle in you to give you prosperity.
At the end of the nineth day’s Pooja one who had performed the Pooja should go to any one of the temples to offer their prayer and worship to Goddess Mahalakshmi in her sanctum. In case the temple exclusive to her is not found, you can go to any of the temples where Goddess Mahalakshmi is seated in some sanctum and she can be worshiped there. After worshiping the Goddess on the nineth day, the entire eighty one coins are to be deposited in her hundi or sanctum as they belong to her which will beget several time more wealth like the offering you have made in fulfillment of their prayer.
The pundits say that it is not necessary to perform the Pooja only to derive temporary benefit, but by performing this Pooja on regular basis. If this exercise is continued regularly say twice or thrice a year in the family, it would show a miraculous effect by way of ending unwanted expenditures, remove tensions from the minds of family members and to give sense of natural happiness. When someone regularly perform this Pooja as a habit- thrice or even frequently, then the general prayer could be ‘Mother Mahalakshmi, please continue to stay with us forever and grace us’.
Dear Jayaraman Sir
I am impressed by the wealth of your knowledge and willingness to share them. I do not see many other sources with those information.
Sadly I cannot read Tamil but I follow your English articles regularly. You had a seried of 8 articles on kuladevatha in English , which I cannot see any more.The article was very interesting and if you could re-publish or give me a link, it would be nice.